Monday, March 8, 2010

A Call To Action

I'll admit, this is not going to be one of the easiest blog entries to write, or possibly to read, but what happened last night clearly needs to be said and needs to be read by anyone interested in Mom and Dad's well being.

Joe called a meeting with Mom, Dad and Angie to "work out" the issues that came up earlier in the week when the police were called. Joe invited Craig Anderson, a member of their stake presidency, to moderate the discussion and give his council. For the first 2 hours, the discussion was relatively calm and resulted in the assessment from Craig that:
1) Joe needs to actively start the process of moving out and
2) Everyone else in the family needs to be transitioned in to help mom and dad with their needs such as Dr visits, cleaning, Rx runs etc.

Craig excused himself and we continued to talk for about another hour. It was painfully clear over the 3 hours that we talked, that Joe has moved both mom and dad into "his corner" by effectively closing out the rest of the family. Mom admitted that she and dad are uncomfortable visiting any of our homes, and that Joe and Vicki are the only ones they can count on for their support. All the other 6 children are entirely unreliable and undependable according to Mom, Dad and Joe. Remember that Angie, who has taken a month off from her family to be here, was in the room.

We made the statements very clear that Mom and Dad's decision to harbor one son and his family has alienated the rest of their children and grandchildren. They have 23 grand children but a relationship with only 2 of them.

Angie summarized by adding another condition to Joe. He has until March 21, 2010 to 1) Move out or 2) Get a Job, or she will either 1) File the assault charges or 2) Report the situation to the state Adult Protective services.

We know that any assault charges will result in a more difficult situation for Joe. This is absolutely not what we want. Reporting their current situation to the state will be the likely outcome. This is not at all a bad thing. If the state comes in and investigates the living conditions and financial impact of having Joe's family live there, including the second mortgage on the home to pay for Joe's car, and believes that there is no harm being done, we can all rest assured. It will be sad to know what mom and dad have sacrificed for Joe and Vicki, but we have always know Dad would sacrifice anything for any one of us, (or as in this case all the rest of us for one of us).

Remember, we must continue to communicate what is happening. This blog entry is my impression of what happened last night. If I interpreted things wrong, speak up. If anything I have said is inaccurate, speak up. Silence is acceptance or indifference.

In the parable of the Lost Sheep, the Good Shephard left the 99 to search out the 1 who had strayed, then He brought him back to the fold. Mom and Dad have seached out the 1 who has strayed, but have not brought him back. Instead they stayed away, separated from others and abandoning their flock. It's time for us to go and invite them back.


  1. just a personal observation here...It can NOT possibly be a good situation for Mom or Dad to have ANY FORM of violence in their home. It is COMPLETELY unacceptable and maybe as well as Joe leaving Angela should too. Then the other brothers and sisters can be transitioned in to help the parents as needed.

  2. Angela is leaving but I have to finish the laundry room first. If I don't mom will be frustrated with the mess and dad will hate me even more. I seriously don't know why I care!

  3. Kristi is right, there is no room for any violence in their house. It has been great for Angie to be there this past week to see just what kind of an environment they are living in. The biggest eye opener is how defensive Joe becomes when his status quo is being threatened, and how willing Mom and Dad are to submit to their needs only.

  4. Angie I'm grateful that you are there to help I just want to say that. It was selfless and I'm sure a difficult thing to do leave you family alone like that. I know exactly how hard it is to be away from family believe me! Please don't take my observation as anything but what it is at face value, an observation. I'm in agreement that Joe should leave and start to care for his own family like we all do for our own each day. I know they help but he should stand on his OWN two feet sometime fairly soon. Mom and Dad I'm pretty sure can't take much more of the family at odds with each other. It's an unfortunate situation all the way around, but really Mom and Dad have no one to blame but themselves, as that is what they wanted. Joe and Vicky there with them. I know not everyone agrees with me but if that's the way Mom and Dad want it then who are you to, judge Mom and Dad or Joe and Vicky. It is, in the end the parents decision what happens.

    On a side note Angie the comment you make about Dad hating you is kinda funny sad because I grew up feeling the exact same way, that Dad hated me. I could never please him no matter how hard I tried. And Mom always tried to soothe the hurt feelings. I don't know what I would have done without her loving me so unconditionally.

  5. Thanks for the comments Kris! You are right on!! I fully agree that Mom and Dad are reaping what they have sown, and we need to just let them.

  6. I would just like to second what has already been said here. Angie, I appreciate the help you have been to mom and dad the last couple of weeks. I know you have sacrificed a lot to be with them. And really, when it comes to the work you are doing in the laundry room, I think it will be greatly appreciated by mom for sure. Since she is the one who will end up spending the most time in there (dad doing laundry? uumm...not...)just go with that. You are doing things (not just the laundry room) I know I couldn't do.

    It needs to be said,right up front, I dearly love my family. Each of you hold a special place in my heart. Understand, however, I may or may not give many opinions. I have spoken my mind about many issues in this family. Then I get told I'm wrong for thinking that. It hasn't just been dad that has said that.

    It saddens me deeply to see that our family(which I think we all believe will be with us eternally) has become such a source of strife and contention. In theory, this could be such a bonding and strengthening experience for us all.

    One other thought, I think we can all agree dad is a difficult person. The reality is, he has been difficult from the time he was small. His age and health have not improved this condition. But dad has always loved each of us with ALL HIS HEART. The problem is, he just isn't hard wired to show it.He has done the very best he could with what he has.

    Anyway...just sayin'...

  7. Great points Karen. Thanks for the comments. I believe that for everyone who takes the time to read and post in this venue there will be a bonding and strengthening experience. I hope we can do it all together.
