Monday, March 8, 2010

One Week Down, Two and a Half to go....

Ok, so first off I'd like to apologize to Mike for not posting sooner. I feel like he's really taken the slack up and tried to keep everyone in the know... it's not that I didn't want to post I just have a harder time since I'm at Mom and Dad's most of the time and when I'm at the Rands's (this is the correct proper pluralization of my last name, I know it looks weird but it's correct) home it's more difficult to post.

Anyway, to report on Moms progress she is doing really good. She is able to move around very well with a walker which keeps her stable, additionally she is doing her therepy diligently and rides the bike each day. She likes to keep moving as much as possible so she will empty the dishwasher or heat up hers/dads lunch or fold a load of laundry. (As a side note dad is back to the typical sit in a chair all day and have mom do everything for him. Well, today he did drill a hole in a back stracher so he could hang it up. But then the wood cracked so he taped it with scotch tape). Everyone knows that mom likes to keep herself busy and she is trying to do that still but within a limit. She tires much quicker - so it would be difficult for her to make a meal but heating it up is not a problem, she can pull sheets off the bed to wash but would need help to remake the bed, she can keep her bathroom clean but would need help with the heavy cleaning and vaccuuming.

I hope this gives you an idea as to her progress this far. Now, while I've been there I've been working on the laundry room hoping to make it an easier room for her to work in. I should be done by Friday. It will have new paint, carpet, and shelves installed. After I finish my work on the room I will be spending less time at the house. As you've read in Mikes' posts it appears that Mom and Dad both prefer to have Joe assist them. For instance, I told dad last night I'd see him first thing to take him to the doctors this morning. I arrived after 9:00 and told him I'd be in the laundry room when he was ready to go. After about an hour I came out looking for him but he'd gotten Joe to drive him.

I was a little irritated since that's why I flew out here but I am trying to enjoy my visit with mom. I just wish I knew how they both felt before I told Dave he had to spend his 40th birthday alone because I thought I could help out here. That and I would have saved a lot of money by just calling to see how everyone was doing. Oh, not to mention that I seemed to have irritated him by doing the little "remodel".

I plan on continuing through the week with meals since I'll be there working on the laundry room but it sounds like Joes got everything under control so unless otherwise noted I guess we can just check in on them. I was picking up groceries since when I arrived there was no fresh fruit of veggies so Joe will have to do that as well.

My honest assessment of the situation after the three frustrating conversations I've had with dad, mom and Joe is that they don't need nor have they asked for anyones help. But on the other hand mom and dad would like a family that all gets along. I guess by not being together we would by default be "getting along". Oh, one a side note does anyone out there know of a company that will hire someone with a DUI? Because evidentally that one DUI is the reason Joe hasn't been able to get a job in the last eight years. Which is ironic if you ask me, getting a CDL but as dad likes to say "I don't have all the information so I don't know what I'm talking about"!

Thanks to everyone who brought in meals. Now - since I'll be done "helping" by the end of the week if you are open for lunch and want company let me know!! I guess I'll catch up on my reading while I'm on vacation.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Angie for your post. This was true confirmation that what I had posted was acurate. I guess we can only do so much. Natural consequenses have a way of working things out.

    Mom, please let us know if you would like anyone else to bring in meals.
